Some MC's Passion or Personality can make up for a lack or display of Technical Skills. Do you need both? I was looking at an old post I wrote on Okayplayer years ago, so here it is. This very subject made me think about Tupac and a few other MC's who's emotions, passion and approach to the MIC assist with maybe the lack of Technical Skills or deep lyrical ability. Some MC's are almost too technical and can lose fans. On the other hand, some MC's have the passion and emotions that make you overlook fancy word-play. Some names that come to mind are:
1.Tupac (Though more lyrical than people give him credit for...) 2. Kanye West - You don't look at Ye like, The GZA but he get's his point across. 3. Chuck D (A great MC but I personally dont always dig his style but his passion, voice, subject matter & personality on the mic (power) helped him. 4. Biggie ( I mean here is Biggie's personality on the mic was so good he could say crazy rhymes like - "you look so good, I'll s*** your daddy's..**you know the rest" 5.Snoop...Dude is all personality on the mic...His early songs he more lyrical but now he can get by with anything because his style is so dope. I mean, even Sensual Seduction was dope.
These are just some examples from my perspective...Thoughts...who would you say Passion or Personality get them over the hump? Why?